
Monday, June 27, 2011

Funny? How Migraine?!

Yesterday was my very first day at Rapid Response.  My nerves are always really shotty in those circumstances, so with the help of the amazing weather on Sunday, I took Casey to Ann Arbor for some window shopping, Bubble Tea, and a strut through the  Nichols Arboretum. This, of course wore me out by the time I got home causing me to carelessly throw my purse and it’s contents on the floor next to the front door, run upstairs to my disgustingly humid room, and pass out on my bed without lifting the sheets.  Anyhow, I woke up in the middle of the night from a dream about a wolf standing outside of my window in the storm, snarling at me in preparation for an impossible leap to my window.  It was ridiculous, so ridiculous in fact that upon waking up, I puked in my hands as a result of an immediate migraine.
Anyways, fast forwarding to the morning of my first day.  I took my medication for my broken head without food, because that would birth the start of incessant vomiting.  My medication has recently started having more of a dulling effect on my migraines, and less of a diminishing effect so I had to suck it up and be a body without a brain in orientation. Of course there are only 3 other people there, so my ops director is instructing less than 2 feet away from us and involving me in every conversation and asking me every question humanly possible.  Like I said, during this entire thing, I was a body without a brain.
My migraines start out as some sort of strange neurological malfunction. I lose my peripheral vision entirely, the left side of my body starts to numb, and it becomes very difficult for me to form sentences like an educated adult.  After the actual headache starts, it seems as though my left frontal lobe taps into my subconscious and strange “later thoughts” and “before thoughts” start spewing from my mouth without filter. Actually, I’ll just say really anything.
So here I am, participating in conversations with the most ridiculous comments… somehow relating zombie apocalypses to the DriveCam, and announcing that “I have to pee” to a group of strangers. At one point in time, I believe that I grabbed my purse and left the room.  When my Ops Director told me I could not leave, I shook my fist at him.
Towards the end of the day, I tried again to take my medication with the addition of Excedrin. I almost immediately returned to earth giving me the opportunity to explain my flighty self to this guy who probably thinks I’m a crazed lunatic.  Luckily for me, I was a hit and riot at Orientation and was apparently loved by Ops, and my fellow soon-to-be co workers.
Make sure you take your psycho meds before coming in on Thursday.” -Justin, Ops.

Round 2: Thursday.  Hopefully I can be my normal self without a migraine inhibiting my flakiness.

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