
Monday, May 16, 2011

Gold N Time, Redford MI

As the days progress, I'm sensing that my 2.5 year reign at Gold N Time Jewelry is nearing an end.  As our economy continues following suit in depriving American citizens of jobs and money,  I think it may be time to utilize my many certifications following my college experience and actually start fighting fires. This, of course is sad because I won't be able to look forward to 8 hours of Facebooking, catching up on Grey's Anatomy and Glee, blogging at work, and online shopping ($11 an hour well spent, Mr. Bossman.)

So, in lieu of depressing thoughts, I've decided to reflect on the ridiculous things that has happened at this jewelry store:

Buying teeth: I started working here when people realized that gold can be traded for some good cashola. During my first few months here, we bought some nice stuff: chains, pendants, diamond rings... etc.  People were coming in one after another with gold, and leaving with green.  Finally, the number started dwindling and the amount of gold pieces that were sold started winding down too.  This became terrible really fast because these people selling really needed the money.  As I said earlier, the economy isn't doing too much for the working class nowadays (I'm sure I didn't need to tell you that).  Finally, it came to the point were people began selling their dental gold for money.  The first time this happened, a little elderly woman came in with what looked like could have been a full set of dentures.  Unfortunately, these were her real teeth.  And by "looked like dentures," I mean looked like a 50 Cent legitimate grill. So I guess the moral of the story is save your chompers and take them to the step 2 dentist when they're no longer in your mouth: your local jewelry store.  

Cycling Through New Hires: Enough said.  I've had the opportunity to work with all sorts of interesting people.  Jane*: the impulsive liar.  There was never a dull moment with her.  Even though 96% of the stuff she said were lies, she was still fun and interesting (even if it was a feign sense of interest.)  Teddy*: we did 25 push-ups every hour on the hour.  Cool guy.  Todd*:  coffee and cigarette breath guy.  Jessica:  My new black friend.  Probably my favorite co-worker, ever.  The rest is history.  The reason for most of these short hires is because of my boss' short fuse.  He fired most of them either because he didn't like the way they laughed, didn't trust Arabs, or because they were full of "bullshit."  Evidently, when you own a family business, you can fire people for whatever reason and it's no big deal.

Talking Back to the Boss: Basically when you're hired into a family business, you become family.  When problems arise, you don't need to communicate them in a professional manner.  All you need to do is ignore one another for 4 days straight and then act as if nothing happened. So, if I tell Nick I don't want to go to the gas station for lottery tickets, or warm up his friends food he can stomp off like a toddler and throw chairs.  This, obviously is followed by a 4 day silence period were only necessary communication is spoken and indirectly through another co-worker.  Needless to say... well, there's nothing to say in response to that.  The good thing is, is that we still maintain that work father/daughter relationship.  It really will be a bummer to leave. Him and his wife are wonderful people.

  These are really only a few things that happen here at GNT. Nothing too interesting, or boring.  As I said earlier, I will hate to go.  However, it's time to get off of my complacent butt and do what I need to do.  My future is filled with dialysis geriatrics, pukey patients, and house fires.

  I did, however dare to submit my application in with Farmington Hills fire Dept.  This road of my life leads to the unknown.  The only thing I'm sure of, is that if I am hired, I'll be moving out of my aunts and in with my lonesome at a one bedroom apartment with no telly.  For better to make music with, my dear... I guess.

B. Thompson

*-names have been changed to protect the innocent.  Actually, I don't particularly like talking about people whom I no longer associate with.  Changing their name makes me feel that much better.

First Post Always Sucks

  As you may or may not already know, my name is Brooke.  The purpose of this blog is to inspire twenty-something-year-olds to (at times) give into their child-like creativity, stay busy doing crazy fun things, and to venture out to new places, learn languages... That sort of thing. 
Also, if you are familiar with me, you know that I am a medium-sized female entering a rather challenging career full of risks, heavy lifting, and meaty men.  I embrace and encourage challenges (no matter their size.) A majority of my posts may end up being about something difficult I had to do (work related) or a seemingly pointless task I chose to endure, were the benefit may be unclear or clearly non-existent (non-work related).
Mostly, my aim is to get others to step out of their boxes based on my experiences.  I will try to be as descriptive as possible throughout the course of however long using pictures, words (obviously), and music.  Embarrassingly enough, I currently DO NOT own a digital camera to upload photos, however I'm slowly trying to fix that.  Needless to say, My pictures will suck.  That's a promise, not a problem. I never said I was a good photographer on any level. I'm better at making the jams anyhow.
Music has become a very large part of my life as well.  Currently I am unsuccessfully trying to assemble a group of people to partake in a summer project.  I can promise that many of my posts will be me ranting in frustration over others lack of desire to play some music with me. Mostly I'll try to stick to posting something at least semi-fun.  Uh. I guess that's the gist of things.

Like I said, the first post always sucks.
B. Thompson